Panorama desde el Puente

(A view from the Brigde)
This project was made in collaboration with photographer and videographer Matias de la Ossa.
Together we developped all graphic material, whether it was photographs or videos that served for publicity or as actual projections during the play.
The play is based on the work of the American playwriter Arthur Miller. It is set in Red Hook, Brooklyn, during the 50s. For many years, Red Hook was a town of immigrants, known for its dock harbor. During the 1950s, its big Italian community mostly consisted of men working at the harbor as box or bag loaders. The play explores the social fabric in which such communities established their own ‘tacit’ laws or explicit laws in order to subsist. The story is told through the narrative of the main character, Eddie, who soon disrupt the social fabric by comitting the highest form of betrayal known for an immigrant.


For the color pallette, as many decisions in the design process, came from a variety of ideas the decision to use three colors came to my coworker and me by discussing separating the play in 3 Stages:

- The Plot: the story of the play is about betrayal to your peers.

-The thematic: the theme underlying the story is one about a sexist society.

-The Context: the betrayal, is motivated by sexual repression but it only succeeds because is a migrant neighborhood.


Also the colors represent the migration papers of approved, pendant and rejected. Also they represent the colors of the Italian flag, faded and a little dirty like the memory of Italy in the mind of the migrants.

Also we chose the 3 main characters to be represented by the colors and 3 stages we defined:

-Rodolfo, represented the green hope of the American dream and the lust for money, and he represents the migratory factor.

-Katarina, represented a faded happiness, a neutral stage where woman in the 50s where particulary trapped.

-Eddie, represented the passion, the lust, and the treason of a subtle pink always restrained never fully red.

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Photoshoot for printed posters.

In the final poster Eddie is hanging from a phone, in the play Eddie breaks the social tapestry of his community (in Red Hook, Brooklyn)  through a phone call. 

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Rodolfo's Character is one in love with the lights of New York City, an immigrant in search for the so-called American Dream. 

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Katarina's character sits in a position of starring at illusive choices like many women in the 50s.

The picture from the photoshoot shown here is different from the one on the poster, on the left you see a joyful choice but at the end we decided to show a more neutral position towards chosing.

The picture from the photoshoot shown here is different from the one on the poster, on the left you see a joyful choice but at the end we decided to show a more neutral position towards chosing.

For the flyers we use the face of Alfieri's character, he is the narrator of the story, a lawyer in Red Hook who watches how Eddie crumbles.


Photos for digital publicity
